Everyone helps take care of our buildings and grounds at St. John's.

Everyone helps take care of our buildings and grounds at St. John's.

painting of the church completed

A major project was completed this summer--the painting of St. John's Church. To preserve our historic buildings, the outside surfaces of the church were scraped to the bare wood and then repainted. Many thanks go to all who kept this project on track. Special thanks go to Hazel Kelly, who served as project manager and to Monmouth Building Center, who donated ten gallons of paint. God provides. 

buildings and grounds committee

There is no doubt that St. John's provides a lovely setting for worship, fellowship and ministry, both indoors and out. But this loveliness does not just happen. Our historic building, our location on the banks of a tidal estuary, and wide range of temperatures and weather during the seasons take its toll on our buildings and grounds. Keeping up with normal wear and tear and the impact of unforeseen events require constant vigilance--and funds. Our building and grounds committee works with our Rector and Vestry to ensure that repairs, maintenance and improvements are prioritized and funded. They engage the entire church family each spring and fall to handle leaf raking, painting, and cleaning tasks. Buildings and Grounds Committee can always use more help. Do you have project management experience? Are you skilled in a trade like carpentry, plumbing, electrical, painting? Or do you have the financial means to fund a project? We would love to have your help. 

To learn more or to get involved, contact Pastor Tammy at the church office at 732-741-7826 or stjohnslittlesilver@verizon.net; or speak to Pastor Tammy, Deacon Eve, or Bob Hegney any Sunday during coffee hour.