episcopal church women Outreach

Fall/Winter Clothing Drive: October 21 - 29
Clothing collected will benefit Lunch Break of Red Bank. Items needed include winter jackets, coats, pants, sweaters, boots, socks, hats, gloves and scarves. They especially need larger adult sizes of every day wear and "Suited for Success" business apparel. Please bag and label Men, Women, Children, Infants and leave under designated signs in the back of the Parish Hall.

Drive for Seamen's Church Institute: October 15 - Nov 1
ECW is seeking donations of toiletries, sealed bags of wrapped hard candy, gum, and puzzle books. These items will be incorporated into the Seamen's Church Institute Holiday Ditty Bags, which make the lives of seamen working far from home more comfortable. Please place your contributions in the brown canvas bags located in the parish lobby. 

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Each year our ECW mounts multiple outreach projects and coordinates with various St. John's ministries to make things happen. In 2016, they worked with the St. John's Nursery School and the Point Road Elementary School to solicit, collect and ship 5 large boxes of winter coats and jackets to children in Appalachia. They collected boxes of toiletries and created ditty bags for foreign sailors through the Seamen's Church Institute and for homeless families through Family Promise. They also delivered 85 bags of gently used clothing for Lunch Break of Red Bank's "Suited for Success" program. This very active group is always looking for new members and new projects.

To learn more or to get involved, contact Pastor Tammy at the church office at 732-741-7826 or stjohnslittlesilver@verizon.net; or speak to Pastor Tammy, Deacon Eve, or any member of the Vestry on Sunday during coffee hour.