St. John's feasts at Mother Val's Installation Brunch

Hospitality committee

St. John's is famous for its hospitality. We welcome everyone into our fold and one of the ways we demonstrate that is by sharing food with them. Whether it's coffee hour on Sunday mornings, special brunches on St. John's Day or Easter Sunday, a reception for a baptism or visiting dignitary, our Hospitality Committee, with the help of many volunteer cooks and bakers, provides great sweet and savory dishes presented graciously and with style. Individuals, families, or other groups sign up in advance to provide refreshments for coffee hour after the 10 o'clock service every Sunday from Labor Day to Memorial Day. There are sign- up sheets in the fellowship hall or you can sign up online. For special occasions, email announcements will go out.  

Hosting Sunday Fellowship Hour

What to Bring: Download Instructions
How to Set Up and Clean Up: Download Instructions

To learn more or get involved, contact Pastor Tammy at the church office at 732-741-7826 or Or speak to Pastor Tammy, Deacon Eve, or Liz any Sunday during coffee hour.