Saint John's Cares

St. John's mission is to be, in unity with God, Christ's hands and heart among all individuals,
standing together as one human family in worship, service, mutual respect, and love. We are an open, loving,
and inclusive parish and invite all of God’s people to be part of our family.

Pastor Tammy Young is our Rector! Learn More →


Saint John's is a diverse congregation that enjoys gathering for worship, socializing, and supporting each other in growing in Christ.

Learn More →


We would welcome the opportunity to speak with you about your personal needs or those of your family. Call us to speak by phone or make an appointment or email us.

Contact Us →

SERVICE SCHEDULE: Summer Schedule is as follows:

8am - Holy Eucharist, Rite II (No Music); 10am - Holy Eucharist, Rite II (Music)

The 10am Service can be viewed online at Facebook both live and recorded.

St. John’s Church is currently holding worship in the church. Masks are optional in our church buildings. If you do not feel safe with in-person worship, please join us via Facebook Live.

Saint John’s now offers the ability to pay on your pledge, make one-time contributions, and make other payments online. Just click on the button below.