Easter glory prepared by our Altar and Flower Guild.

Easter glory prepared by our Altar and Flower Guild.

Altar and flower guild

One of the oldest ministries at St. John's, the Altar and Flower Guild ensures that the stage is properly set for worship and that everything is taken care of and put away afterwards. Their work is performed prior to and after worship; therefore, you don’t see much of their activity which includes setting up and clearing up the Eucharist, changing the hangings on the altar and lectern, arranging flowers, plants, greens and palms, polishing brass and silver items, and washing and ironing altar linens. Our Altar and Flower Guild is in need of new members right now. Please consider taking part in this ancient tradition. Some training is required. We also hold occasional worshops for those interested in arranging flowers for use on the altar.

You can also participate by making a financial donation for altar flowers in honor or memory of a loved one. 

To learn more or to get involved, contact Pastor Tammy at the church office at 732-741-7826 or stjohnslittlesilver@verizon.net; or speak to Pastor Tammy, Deacon Eve, Diane Cimala or Liz Dennis any Sunday during coffee hour.