episcopal church women (ecw)
St. John's Episcopal Church Women welcome all women to enjoy prayer, bonding friendships and laughter, interesting sacred and secular programs and activities, outreach/evangelism, delicious refreshments, quarterly weekday luncheons, and their November mini-bazaar. The ECW meets on the first Wednesdays, at noon, in the library or parish hall. They will also meet on occasional Sundays for special programs such ast the popular Women of the Bible series and service-oriented activities. Officially, ECW gathers from September through May.
At present, this group is focusing on the Appalachian children’s warm clothing needs and the allocation of Outreach funds they have raised to local organizations. Funds are earned through dues ($15 per year), used book sales, three Wednesday-meeting auctions and November’s mini-bazaar. To learn more about ECW outreach projects, click here.
To learn more or join ECW, contact Pastor Tammy at the church office at 732-741-7826 or stjohnslittlesilver@verizon.net. Or speak to Pastor Tammy, Deacon Eve, or Linda Rizzo any Sunday during coffee hour.