Our Nifty Knitters' wares ready to be blessed and sent out into the world

Our Nifty Knitters' wares ready to be blessed and sent out into the world

Nifty Knitters Knitting Circle

Enjoy the camaraderie of knitting together and improving your craft while creating garments that journey around the world to warm people in need. Our Nifty Knitters meet every other Monday in the home of a member. They make gloves and hats for men and women who work on cargo ships from around the world and dock in NJ; helmet liners for our military serving in Afghanistan; hats,  mittens and scarves for children in Appalachia; hats for "premies" and cancer patients at nearby Riverview Medical Center; and prayer shawls for homebound parishioners. 

To learn more or to get involved, contact Pastor Tammy at the church office at 732-741-7826 or stjohnslittlesilver@verizon.net; or speak to Pastor Tammy, Deacon Eve, or any member of the Vestry on Sunday during coffee hour.