
PRAYER warriors

At St. John's we are firm believers in the power of prayer. Each Sunday and during the week we pray for each other, for family members, friends, and colleagues. Sometimes, however, there is a need for special prayer--an illness, spiritual or mental distress, economic difficulties or a failing marriage or relationship. In these cases, our Prayer Warriors, a group of dedicated Christians who pray daily for your special intentions, take action. They will pray for you, for your loved ones, whether or not they are members of St. John's. All prayer requests are held in confidence. 

You can also become a Prayer Warrior and add your voice to those praying for our family, friends, and neighbors. Prayer Warriors pray for the special needs and intentions provided to them when and as they are able. When their efforts are combined, all who have made requests receive prayer on at least a daily basis.

To request prayer or to become a Prayer Warrior, contact Hazel Kelly at or Mother Val at the church office at or 732-741-7826. Or speak to Mother Val, Deacon Eve, or Hazel  Kelly any Sunday during coffee hour.