sharing our time talent and treasure with our church family and with god
You only need to spend one coffee hour at St. John's to realize how many gifts we as a church community have received from God. We have chefs, writers, carpenters, managers, knitters, artists, musicians, engineers, gardeners, teachers, doctors and nurses, people with the gift of making people smile and people with the gift of nurturing. Some of us are financially well off and others are not. All of these gifts have come from God. And we do our best to show our thanks by putting our time, talent, and treasure to work for His aims here on earth.
The Stewardship Committee works to remind us of this and to organize our gifts in ways that make it possible for our congregation to flourish. St. John's is supported solely by the financial largesse of our members--and by our willingness to devote our time and other special gifts. The Stewardship Committee ensures that current and future needs are known and that we all know how we can help. Yes, it is good to put anonymous gifts into the collection plate on Sunday. But it is better to make your intentions known through annual pledging so that our Vestry can make the plans needed to help our community thrive.
To learn more about how you can put your gifts to work at St. John's, contact Pastor Tammy at the church office at 732-741-7826 or Or speak to Pastor Tammy or John Davies any Sunday during coffee hour.