worship ministries
It takes many hands to provide worship services that are the tradition at St. John's--and our clergy can't do it alone. Many lay members of our Church family provide the vital assistance needed during worship. Lectors read lessons. Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) administer the chalice and provide other services such as reading lessons and psalms. Acolytes perform services at the altar such as holding the Gospel Book, handing water and wine to the priest, bearing the cross and other liturgical tasks. Special training is provided for LEMs and Acolytes. Ushers greet worshippers at the door, guide worshippers to Communion, pass the baskets during the collection, and bring the gifts and elements to the altar.
No one serves every week and Sunday schedules are set two months in advance. This allows plenty of time to arrange for substitutes if scheduling conflicts arise.
To learn more, contact Pastor Tammy at the church office at 732-741-7826 or stjohnslittlesilver@verizon.net. Or speak to Pastor Tammy or Deacon Eve any Sunday during coffee hour.