A few of our Sunday School kids before our annual Christmas pageant!
Sunday school and youth ministries
At St. John's, we cherish our children, they are one of our greatest blessings. From age 2-14, we engage our kids in our innovative Sunday School program, each week is guaranteed to be a fantastic faith adventure. They participate in an interactive Bible Study and discuss how they can relate the lessons to their life, friends and community. We do fun and wacky Bible Science Experiments, Google Earth trips around the world to visit places of biblical significance, Super Soul Bowl Sunday School, Building our Faith Brick by brick with Legos and most importantly - Community and Global Outreach projects. It's a relaxed and fun environment, where every child learns in a nurturing environment. Our Sunday School has had national and state recognition for excellence in contributing to make the world a better place! Our children and their parents are an amazing, compassionate and fun group.
Sunday School starts at 9:30 am each twice a month from September to May. Kids rejoin their parents in church during the Sign of Peace. If you have infants and young toddlers, don't hesitate to bring them to Church--at St. John's no one minds the joyful noise of children. EVERYONE is ALWAYS welcome!
To learn more or to get involved, contact Pastor Tammy+ at the church office at 732-741-7826 or stjohnslittlesilver@verizon.net; or speak to Pastor Tammy or Nancy Ali any Sunday during coffee hour.